Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just A thought.

                                                              Emotional Stability

The dictionary defines emotional stability as "a mental state of calmness and composure." Warren Buffet in a recent interview with Forbes mentioned that one of the factors behind his success has been emotional stability. He praises this state of being such that he claims that its one of the distinguishing factors between him and all the investors who deem their line of work hard to conquer. Mr. Buffet on the other hand has conquered investing to a level where no one has come close in the recorded past. The riches he has amassed are stone cold evidence to the wonders emotional stability can bring. Therefore this leads me to ponder, is emotional stability something attainable by the average Joe or is it something that comes natural to a selected few?
The answer to the latter questions can be found in looking at personality traits. OCEAN is the abbreviation for the big five personality traits namely, openness,conscientiousnessextraversionagreeableness, and neuroticism. Our area of concern is the latter of the bunch "neuroticism" also known as Emotional stability. Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. Those who easily experience the above list of emotions mostly succumb to mental disorders such as depression. Those who score experience or control these emotions score low on neuroticism hence they enjoy life and are generally happy people.
Emotional stability would therefore be a trait achievable by merely being attentive when experiencing negative emotions and making a habit of not doing what the little voice in your head says. When in this situation always walk away if possible and handle matters when in a composed mood. Emotional stability is a habitual trait, being religiously inclined also helps to conquer negative emotions. Personally I propose Islam cause it clearly defines a way of life that will automatically help the believer deal with negative emotions. For example the prophet of Islam says that a believer should never make any decisions when experiencing anger. The reasons not to are obvious.
Reverting to Warren Buffet's statement that Emotional stability was a significant trait in his business dealings, his inclination being that he always sort out facts about potential businesses he sort out to buy, these facts he believed in and stuck with, no matter what was the "hot" commodity of trade at that moment. Eventually he said, he would always sell when the market was offering a price he liked, hence securing a guaranteed profit. 

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